Consultation process on the general terms and conditions for hydrogen transport and connection services
The Dutch governmenthas asked Gasunie to develop a national infrastructure for hydrogen transport.Withthis'hydrogenbackbone',Gasuniewillcreateanationwidenetworkthat connects supply and demand for hydrogen within and between industrial clusters, storage locations and neighbouring countries.
With this 'hydrogenbackbone', Gasunie will create a nationwide network that connects supply and demand for hydrogen within and between industrial clusters, storage locations and neighbouring countries. Approximately 85% of the hydrogen network will be based on retrofittedexisting natural gas pipelines. The formal request to start and develop the hydrogen backbone, combined with the allocation of €750 millions of financial support to enable the necessary pre-investments, requires uniform conditions on a non-discriminatory basis of third-party access. With this in mind, Hynetwork Services, an affiliate of Gasunie and responsible for the development of the hydrogen infrastructure, organises a consultation process on the general terms and conditions for hydrogen transport and connection services, with the intention for these services to meet the market needs.